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               To recognize the interests of all the constituencies of equestrianism including National Federations,
               Athletes,  Owners,  Organisers,  Officials,  sponsors,  and  the  FEI  itself  to  foster  their  harmonious
               collaboration and to formalise the collective commitment to the Olympic ideal.

               The achievement of this goal and the image of Equestrian Sport are dependent on the respect of the
               following ethical principles that are compatible with maintenance of the values, spirit and ideals of
               Equestrian Sport and its part in the Olympic Movement.

               Consequently, all participants in Equestrian Sport, including but not limited to Athletes (and their
               Support Personnel), Owners, Organisers, Officials, sponsors, and FEI volunteers and staff undertake
               to respect and be bound at all times by the present Code, and by the IOC Code of Ethics where

               A. DIGNITY
               1.     Safeguarding the dignity of the equine and human Athlete is a fundamental requirement of
               2.     There shall be no discrimination between the human Athletes on the basis of race, gender,
                      ethnic origin, religion, philosophical or political opinion, marital status or other grounds.
               3.     All doping practices at all levels are strictly prohibited. The provisions against doping in the
                      Equine Anti-Doping and Controlled Medication Regulations and the FEI Anti-Doping Rules for
                      Human Athletes shall be scrupulously observed.
               4.     All forms of harassment of Athletes, be it physical, professional or sexual, and any physical
                      or mental injuries to participants, are prohibited.
               5.     All forms of participation in, or support for betting on the Olympic Games, and all forms of
                      promotion of betting related to the Olympic Game are prohibited.
               6.     Also, in the context of betting, participants in the Olympic Games and FEI Events must not,
                      by any manner whatsoever, infringe the principle of fair play, show non-sporting conduct,
                      or attempt to influence the result of a competition in a manner contrary to sporting ethics.
               7.     FEI constituents shall guarantee the Athletes conditions of safety, well-being and medical
                      care favourable to their physical and mental equilibrium.

               B. INTEGRITY
               1.     FEI  representatives  shall  not,  directly  or  indirectly,  solicit,  accept  or  offer  any  form  of
                      personal remuneration or commission, nor any concealed benefit or service of any nature,
                      connected  with  the  organisation  of FEI  Events  that  is  not part  of  the official  negotiation
                      process or set forth in the contract with the Organiser or Organising Committee.
               2.     Only gifts of nominal value, in accordance with prevailing local customs, may be given or
                      accepted by FEI Board members, FEI volunteers, or FEI staff by or to any member of an
                      Organising Committee bidding for an FEI Event, as a mark of respect or friendship. Any
                      other gift must be passed on to the organisation of which the beneficiary is a member.
               3.     The  hospitality  shown  by  any  Organising  Committee  bidding  for  an  FEI  Event  to  the
                      volunteers  and  members  of  FEI  staff  as  well  as  persons  accompanying  them,  shall  not
                      exceed the standards prevailing in the host country.
               4.     Conflicts of interest, whether real or perceived, are to be avoided.
               5.     Even the appearance of misconduct or impropriety should be recognized as damaging to the
                      FEI’s reputation, and should therefore be avoided.
               6.     FEI constituents must not be involved with organisations, firms or persons whose activity or
                      reputation is inconsistent with the principles set out in the present Code.

               1.     The  basic  universal principles of good  governance  of  the FEI,  in  particular  transparency,
                      responsibility and accountability, must be respected by all FEI constituents.
               2.     The resources available to FEI volunteers and staff may be used only for FEI purposes.
               3.     The  FEI’s  income  and  expenditures  shall  be  recorded  in  its  accounts,  which  must  be
                      maintained  in  accordance  with  generally  accepted  accounting  principles.  An  independent
                      auditor will check these accounts.
               1.1    In  cases  where  the  FEI  gives  financial  support  to  any  National  Federation,  Organising
                      Committee, or other person or entity:
               a)     The use of these FEI resources must be clearly demonstrated in the accounts of the recipient;
               b)     The accounts of the recipient may be subjected to auditing by an expert designated by the
                      FEI Executive Board upon reasonable notice to the recipient.
               4.     FEI constituents recognise the significant contribution that broadcasters, sponsors, partners
                      and other supporters of equestrian events make to the development and prestige of FEI
                      Events throughout the world. However, such support must be in a form consistent with the
                      rules  of  sport  and  the  principles  defined  in  the  FEI  Rules  and  Regulations,  the  Olympic
                      Charter  and  the present Code.  They  must  not  interfere  in  the running  of  the  sport.  The

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