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ADEC- Emirates Longines Final

21 Mar 2013
Abu Dhabi Equestrian Club
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
حالة السباق: Closed

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معلومات عن الفئة

رمز الفئة Name/Category المادة السرعة الحاجز رسوم الإشتراك الجائزة OpenCourse وقت الإنطلاقة
1 One Round not Against Clock Medium Tour Riders see the program 350m/m 120-125cm AED 0.0000 AED 50000.0000 15:30
2 One Round not Against Clock Big Tour Riders see the program 350m/m 130-140cm AED 0.0000 AED 70000.0000 15:30
3 One Round not Against the Clock 4-5 Young Horses see the program 300m/m 95 cm MAX AED 0.0000 AED 10000.0000 18:40
4 One Round not Against Clock Beginner Tour Rider see the program 300m/m 95cm MAX AED 0.0000 AED 20000.0000 00:00 see time table
5 One Round not Against Clock 5-6 Young Horses see the program 325m/m 110-115cm AED 0.0000 AED 20000.0000 21:00
6 One Round not Against Clock Small Tour Riders see the program 350m/m 110-115cm AED 0.0000 AED 30000.0000 00:00 see time table