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APPENDIX C - Certificate of Capability

               To be returned to the FEI accompanied by a "Record of Results" not later than:

               For FEI World Championships, the date corresponding to the nominated entries.

               For Olympic Games, the date corresponding to the nominated entries for the Games (see FEI Olympic

               The undersigned, acting as President of the National Federation of __________________ hereby
               declares that the combinations, Athletes and Horses mentioned below have the required experience
               and  qualifications  to  take  part  in  the  Equestrian  Events  at  the  Olympic  Games/FEI  World
               Championships for which they have been entered, and that their performances comply entirely with
               the standards as set forth in the Sport Rules.

               Qualified Combinations

                 ATHLETES                         HORSES
                 Surnames & first names           Names & Passport No.

                 (maximum of double the           (age, colour, sex, breed, Stud book
                 number of Athletes &              Registration  number  &  names  of
                 Horses allowed to be sent to      sire & dam if known)
                 FEI Championships)


               Name and Signature of the President or Secretary General
               of the NF (name in capital letters)

               Seal of the NF

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