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Event: A complete meeting, "Show", "Championship" or "Games".  Events may be organised for one
               or more than one Discipline.
               FEI-named  Series:  A  Series  as  defined  below  and  where  the  FEI  owns  the  title(s),  logo(s),
               Competition formulae and where the FEI has the exclusive right to exploit all media, including new
               media, Internet and TV in all its forms, as well as the sponsorship, betting, and marketing rights of
               such FEI-named Series according to the conditions set forth in article 133 of the GRs.
               FEI Recognition Card: An accompanying document to a National Passport approved by the FEI and
               mandatory (unless there is an FEI Passport) for every Horse entered for any Competition at CNs or
               CIMs (see Appendix E) in a foreign country (see Article 139.2), and for all Horses entered for other
               CIs, CIOs, FEI Championships, Regional, Olympic Games and Paralympic Games, whether at home
               or in foreign countries
               FEI Rules and Regulations: Any rule and regulation duly approved by an appropriate body of the
               FEI, including but not limited to Statutes, General Regulations, and Sport Rules.
               Force  Majeure  Event:  Any  event  or  circumstance  arising  from  or  attributable  to  acts,  events,
               omission or accidents which are not reasonably foreseeable by, and which are beyond the reasonable
               control of and which could not have been reasonably prevented by, a party.
               Horse:  Refers  also  to  a  Pony  or  other  member  of  the  genus  Equus  unless  the  context  requires
               otherwise. A Horse shall be born from a mare.
               Incorrect Behaviour: Any form of unsportsmanlike or improper conduct towards (a) Officials or any
               other  party  connected  with  the  Event  (other  Athletes,  journalist,  volunteers,  OC  staff,  FEI
               representatives, members of the public etc.) and/or (b) Doping Control Officers, Testing Veterinarian,
               Chaperones and/or any other person involved in the collection of a doping control sample. Examples
               of Incorrect Behaviour include, but are not limited to, (i) shouting aggressively or using offensive
               language (swearing); (ii) physical violence, (iii) making inappropriate gestures; (iv) issuing a threat;
               (v) failure or refusal to comply with the reasonable instructions of an Official, the FEI or the OC; (vi)
               damaging the property of another person; (vii) inciting or encouraging others to engage in Incorrect
               Behaviour; (viii) engaging in conduct that endangers others persons or Horses; or (ix) assisting,
               encouraging, aiding, abetting, conspiring, covering up a rule violation (or attempted rule violation)
               by another person.
               Judge: Member of a Ground Jury appointed to control a Competition or Event, as described in art.
               Junior: Category of Athletes who may take part in FEI Competitions for Juniors from the year they
               reach the age of fourteen (14) until the end of the year they reach the age of eighteen (18).
               Lessee: A person or entity who receives the use and possession of leased property (e.g. Horse) from
               a lessor.
               Official: A person appointed by the FEI or by an Organising Committee and/or NF to perform a
               specifically defined officiating duty at an FEI Event.
               Organiser  or  Organising  Committee  (OC):  Any  organisation,  group,  society,  body,  or  person
               which  is  recognised by  the  applicable  NF  and  held  to be responsible  for  the  management  of  any
               Owner: Person or entity having a property interest in whole or in part of one or more horses.
               Participating Support Personnel: shall mean a groom who takes part in an FEI Competition, such
               as in Driving.
               Pay Card: Any remuneration paid in exchange for an invitation to compete at an FEI Event.
               Period of an Event: commences one hour before the beginning of the first Horse Inspection and
               terminates half an hour after the announcement of the final results in the relevant Discipline, unless
               the Sport Rules for the respective Discipline provide otherwise.
               In the Olympic Games the period of an Event coincides with the Olympic Sojourn as established by
               the IOC.
               In the Paralympic Games the period of an Event coincides with the Paralympic Sojourn as established
               by the IPC.
               Phase: Refers to separate parts of a Competition at the same Event which are taken together to
               arrive at the final classification.
               Pony Rider: in Jumping, Eventing and Dressage, category of  Athletes who may take part in FEI
               Competitions for Pony Riders from the year in which they reach the age of twelve (12) until the end
               of the year they reach the age of sixteen (16).
               Protective Headgear: Appropriate helmet or Headgear that is in compliance with the applicable
               international  testing  standards  (please  refer  to  the  list  of  the  applicable  international  testing
               standards published on the FEI website).
               Report:  a  formal  record of  facts,  incidents,  Decisions,  Protests,  Warnings, penalties, and/or  any
               other relevant matters arising during or in connection with an Event.
               Restricted Area: means the grounds of the Event under the control of the OC.
               Round:  Two  or  more  consecutive  circuits  of  the  same,  or  a  similar,  course  as  part  of  a  single
               Sanction: Any of the disciplinary sanctions listed in Article 164.
               Schedule:  An  official  form  approved  by  the  FEI  outlining  the  relevant  information  of  an  Event,
               including but not limited to the dates and location of the Event, the dates by which entries must be
               received, the Disciplines in which Competitions will be held, the programme of Competitions, the
               categories, nationalities and other relevant details of invited Athletes and Horses, the stabling and

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