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164.14  The following table sets out the sanctions that will apply for certain offences listed in Article
                      164.12 above. Where an offence is not listed in the table below, general sanctioning power
                      will apply and sanctions may be imposed in accordance with this Article 164.

                       Offence        Low-End        Mid-Range      Top-End       Max
                       Incorrect      2 months       Up to  6 months  Up to 1 year    2 years
                       Behaviour      Up to CHF      CHF  1,500  –  CHF 3,000 –   CHF 10,000
                                      1,500          3,000          7,000
                       Abuse of Horse   3 months     3  months  –  2  2 – 5 years   Life
                                      CHF 1000 –     CHF  2,000  –  CHF 5,000 –   CHF 15,000
                                      1,500          3,000          10,000
                       Criminal Acts,   1 month      3  months  –  2  2 – 5 years   Life
                       Fraud, Violence               years
                                      CHF 1000 –     CHF  2,000  –  CHF 5,000 –   CHF 10,000
                                      1,500          3,000          7,500
                       Failure to     1 month        Up to  6 months  Up to 9     1 year
                       cooperate with                               months
                       an investigation   Up to CHF   CHF  1,500  –  CHF 3,000 –   CHF 10,000
                                      1,500          3,000          7,000
                       Bringing the   1 month        Up to  6 months  Up to 9     1 year
                       FEI and/or                                   months
                       equestrian     Up to CHF      CHF  1,500  –  CHF 3,000 –   CHF 10,000
                       sport into     1,500          3,000          7,000
                       Breach  of  the  Warning      3  months  -  2  Up to 5 years   Life
                       FEI Code on the               years
                       Manipulation  of  CHF 1000 –   CHF  2,000  –  CHF 5,000 –   CHF 15,000
                       Competitions   1,500          3,000          10,000
                       Breach  of  the  Warning      3  months  -  2  2 years to 10   Life
                       FEI                           years          years
                       Safeguarding   CHF 1000 –     CHF  2,000  –  CHF 5,000 –   CHF 15,000
                       Policy   against
                       Harassment     1,500          3,000          10,000
                       and Abuse

               Article 165 - Time of Implementation of Decisions

               165.1   Decisions are effective from the date of oral or written notification to the affected party or
                      parties,  so  long  as  such  notification  is  possible  under  the  circumstances.    Otherwise,
                      Decisions are effective as of the date specified by the body or person authorised to make
                      the Decision.

               Article 166 - Reports, Recording Protests and Penalties
                      Officials’ Reports
               166.1   Officials  are  required  to  send  Reports  to  the  relevant  Sports  Department,  or  Veterinary
                      Department in the case of veterinary reports, at the conclusion of Events, in accordance
                      with  these  GRs  and  the  applicable  Sport  Rules.  Matters  giving  rise  to  Protests  must  be
                      included in such Reports.

               166.2   Where an Official has failed to return the Report within the designated time and without a
                      valid reason, the Official shall be sanctioned by the FEI, first with a Warning (with a copy to
                      the Official’s NF) and then by a Suspension until the outstanding Report(s) has been provided
                      to the FEI or such other Sanction as the FEI deems appropriate in the circumstances.

                      Recording of Protests and Sanctions by Officials
               166.3   The Foreign Judge (Technical Delegate for Eventing) must include in his/her report to the
                      FEI all Reports and Protests received by the Ground Jury as well as all Decisions awarded
                      and sanctions imposed by the Ground Jury on these and other relevant matters.

                      Recording by FEI Headquarters
               166.4   FEI Headquarters shall be responsible for:

                      (a)    Recording delivery of Yellow Warning Cards and notifying any suspension thereof;
                      (b)    Recording proceedings of the FEI Tribunal and Decisions of the CAS;

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