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               Article 167 - Governing Law & Jurisdiction

               167.1     These  FEI  General  Regulations  operate  globally,  regulating  the  conditions  for
                         participation in international-level events held around the world.  As such, insofar as
                         possible these FEI General Regulations are to be interpreted and applied not by reference
                         to national or local laws, but rather as an independent and autonomous text, and in a
                         manner that protects and advances the imperatives identified in the Preamble.

               167.2     These FEI General Regulations and any dispute arising out of or in connection with them
                         (including any dispute or claim relating to non-contractual obligations) shall be governed
                         by and construed in accordance with Swiss law.

               167.3     Any  disputes  or  claims  or  other  matters  arising  in  relation  to  these  FEI  General
                         Regulations  (including  any  non-contractual  disputes  or  claims)  shall  be  resolved  in
                         accordance with the dispute resolution mechanisms set out in the FEI Statutes or the FEI
                         Rules and Regulations.

               Article 168 - Personal Data

               168.1     All  personal  data  submitted  by  Athletes,  Trainers,  teams,  Chefs  d'Equipe,  Grooms,
                         National Federations, Owners and/or other persons participating in Events under these
                         FEI General Regulations will be processed in accordance with applicable data protection
                         laws. All persons bound by these FEI General Regulations acknowledge and agree that
                         personal data is processed by the FEI for the purposes of administering Events, enforcing
                         these FEI General Regulations  (and  other  applicable FEI  Rules  and Regulations),  and
                         maintaining the integrity of the sport.

               Article 169 – Matters Not Otherwise Provided For

               169.1     Where  a  matter  arises  for  which  provision  has  not  been  made  in  these  FEI  General
                         Regulations or in the other FEI Rules and Regulations, (a) the Ground Jury (if the matter
                         occurs  on-site  during  an  Event),  and  (b)  the  FEI  Headquarters  (if  the  matter  occurs
                         outside  an  Event)  will  provide  for  the  matter  as  they/it  see(s)  fit,  in  a  manner  that
                         protects and advances the imperatives identified in Article 100.

               Article 170 – Communications

               170.1   Any communications required to be made by the FEI (or any of its representatives) under
                      these FEI General Regulations will be sent (by post, fax, email or otherwise at the FEI's
                      discretion) to either:

                      (a)    the individual in question directly; or
                      (b)    the National Federation to which the individual is affiliated in accordance with (in
                             which case it will be the responsibility of the National Federation to ensure that the
                             communication is passed to the relevant individual(s)).

               170.2   A person will be deemed to have received a communication from the FEI under these FEI
                      General Regulations:
                      (a)    if sent by fax or email, on the business day such fax or email is sent (or, if not sent
                             on a business day, on the first business day after the day on which it is sent); and
                      (b)    if sent by post, three business days after the day upon which the notification is
                             posted to the person and/or National Federation. For these purposes, a 'business
                             day' means a day on which the banks are open for business in the country/territory
                             of the country in which the individual is residing/the National Federation is located.

               General Regulations, 24th edition, 1 January 2020   41
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