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(d)    If the same Person Responsible receives one (1) or more Yellow Warning Card(s)
                             at the same or any other International Event within one year of the delivery of the
                             first Yellow Warning Card, the Person Responsible shall be automatically suspended
                             for a period of two (2) months after official notification from, or on behalf of, the
                             FEI Secretary General.

               164.4   Incorrect Behaviour Card
                      (a)    In the discipline of Endurance the President of the Ground Jury, the Chief Steward
                             or the Technical Delegate may issue an Incorrect Behaviour Card to an Athlete or
                             Trainer  for  Incorrect  Behaviour.  An  Incorrect  Behaviour  Card  will  result  in  100
                             penalty points, Disqualification, and a suspension of two-months.

               164.5   Fine
                      (a)    A fine is appropriate particularly in cases where the offender has acted negligently.

                      (b)    All fines imposed under the Legal System are due to the FEI. They must not be paid
                             to the OC or any other body but must be paid to the FEI on receipt of a demand.

                      (c)    Where  a  fine  is  imposed  on  an  individual  the  FEI  may  issue  the  corresponding
                             invoice to either:
                             -  that  individual’s  National  Federation  and  it  shall  be  the  responsibility  of  the
                             National Federation to ensure the payment of the fine within the relevant deadline;
                             - to the individual directly.

                      (d)    Any person who has not paid a fine within thirty (30) days of receiving a demand
                             for payment will be automatically suspended until the fine is paid in full. If Fines
                             are  not  paid  within  ninety  (90)  days  from  the  date  of  issue,  interest  will
                             automatically be charged at the end of each month at the rate of 10% p.a. If fines
                             are inadvertently paid to the OC or any other person such fines shall be remitted
                             to the FEI.

               164.6   Disqualification
                      (a)    Disqualification  is  appropriate  when  it  is  specified  in  the  Statutes,  GRs or  Sport
                             Rules, or if the circumstances require an immediate action. Disqualification from
                             the Competition or Event may be retroactive.

                      (b)    Disqualification  from  a  Competition  means  that  the  Athlete  and/or  Horse(s)
                             concerned  -  even  should  they  change  ownership  are  removed  from  the  list  of
                             starters and the classification and includes the forfeiture of prize money won in that
                             particular Competition.

                      (c)    Disqualification from an Event means that the Athlete and/or Horse(s) - even should
                             they change ownership - may take no further part in that Event and it may include
                             (in addition to what is mandated under paragraph 4.1.) the forfeiture of any prize
                             money  won  in  previous  Competitions  at  that  Event  where  provided  for  in  the
                             Statutes, GRs or Sport Rules.

               164.7   Suspension
                      (a)    During the period of a Suspension the person, Horse or body suspended may take
                             no  part  in  Competitions  or  Events  as  an  Athlete,  Horse  or  Official  or  in  the
                             organisation of, any Event under the jurisdiction of the FEI or any Event under the
                             jurisdiction of an NF in accordance with the Statutes or in any FEI related activity
                             (e.g. FEI courses, meetings, General Assembly etc.).

                      (b)    If  so  specified  in  the  relevant  Notification/Decision,  the  person  may  be  barred
                             temporarily or for a specific period of time from participating in or attending, in any
                             capacity, including as a spectator, any Competition or Event that is authorised or
                             organised by the FEI or any National Federation.

                      (c)    The Suspension may be provisional or final and may be imposed on such terms and
                             subject to conditions as the FEI Tribunal, the FEI Headquarters or the FEI Secretary
                             General, as the case may be, may impose. In certain cases a Provisional or Final
                             Suspension may be automatic under the Statutes, GRs or Sport Rules.

                        (d)    As a general principle, a Suspension will start as of the date of notification of the
                             Suspension. However, the body imposing or applying the Suspension may postpone

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