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Article 108 - Titles of Competitions
1. At CIMs (see Appendix E), the title of Competitions may not include the name of any country
or International region.
At other CIs, the name of the respective nation or country may, with Approval of the relevant
NF, be used for the title of one (1) Competition.
At CIOs, the same provision applies to one (1) Competition in each Discipline.
2. The name "World" or names of continents, regions or other groups of nations or countries
as title of Competitions, Cups or any other classifications may only be used with Approval of
the Board.
3. The use of other names given to an Event or to a number of linked Events (FEI-named Series
and/or Series) as defined in Appendix A taking place under the jurisdiction of one (1) or
more than one (1) NF requires the Approval of the Board.
Article 109 - Organisation of Events
1. The schedules for all CIs, CIOs, FEI World Cup™ Finals and FEI Championships must clearly
state that the FEI Statutes, GRs, and Sport Rules apply.
2. International Competitions may never be held under national rules.
3. If a Competition under national rules is included during the course of CIs, the Sport Rules
come into force as soon as the results of the Competition under national rules have been
4. For applications for Events that form part of an FEI-named Series and/or Series the Sport
Rules for the relevant FEI-named Series and/or Series apply.
5. With the Approval of the FEI Secretary General, a CIO for one (1) Discipline may include
another Category of the same Discipline or a CI for Competitions in another Discipline or
other Disciplines. For example a CSIO may include a CDI or a CAI. In such a case the
schedule and the programme must clearly state the Category of each Competition.
6. OCs of International Events must inform the FEI and NFs whose teams or individuals have
taken part, of the results and prize money paid to each placed Athlete and team, within two
(2) days following the Event for all Disciplines managed by an online entry system and five
(5) days for all other Disciplines), unless otherwise specified for qualification and ranking
reasons as communicated by the FEI. Any result must be provided to the FEI in a format
specified by the FEI in the approved schedule. In addition, upon FEI’s request any live data
feed must be provided to the FEI free of charge. Failure from OCs of International Events to
provide the FEI with the appropriate result(s) and/or live data feed and/or prize money
information by the aforesaid deadline and/or in the aforesaid format shall entail a warning
for the first violation and thereafter a fine of CHF 1,000.- per violation.
7. Schedules, notices, instructions and announcements over the public address system at all
International Events (except CIMs, see Appendix E) must be written or spoken in an official
language in addition to the national language, except in cases where all concerned speak
the same language.
8. Schedules, notices and instructions at all FEI World and FEI Continental Championships for
Seniors must be written in an official language in addition to the national language, except
where all concerned normally use an official language.
9. All announcements over the public address system at FEI World Championships and FEI
World Cup™ Finals must be made in an official language.
10. OCs of International Events must provide adequate medical and veterinarian assistance at
the Event as indicated below.
10.1. Medical assistance:
(i) the on-site presence of personnel trained in emergency medical care; and
(ii) an appropriate medical emergency action plan for the evacuation, emergency
treatment, and transport of injured Athletes.
To this effect, OCs must refer to the guidelines issued by the FEI and published on the FEI’s
10.2. Veterinarian assistance: See the Veterinary Regulations.
10.3. The Sport Rules may contain additional medical and veterinary requirements and compliance
with such requirements is mandatory.
11. The FEI may require OCs of International Events to provide sufficient financial guarantees
in order to host an FEI Event.
General Regulations, 24th edition, 1 January 2020 9