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               Article 113 - Registration and Eligibility of Athletes and Horses

               1.     All  Athletes  and  Horses  must  be  registered  with  the  FEI,  and  their  own  NF,  or  where
                      appropriate with their host NF, before they can be entered and permitted to take part in an
                      International Event, unless otherwise specified by the Sport Rules. (See also Article 119-
                      Sport Nationality Status of Athletes and Chapter V Horses).
               2.     NFs  are  responsible  for  registering  all  Athletes  and  Horses  and  shall  ensure  that  such
                      Athletes have the appropriate corresponding sport nationality pursuant to Article 119. NFs
                      are  also  responsible  for  unregistering  any  Athlete  and/or  Horse  that  are  not  competing
                      anymore for any reason.
               3.     Any Athlete and/or any Horse not registered with the FEI and/or not fulfilling an eligibility
                      requirement shall  be  automatically  disqualified,  unless  compelling  circumstances  warrant
               4.     An Athlete and/or Horse, even if registered with the FEI, is not eligible to participate in an
                      International Event or National Event (and so may not be invited by an OC to such Event or
                      entered by an NF in such Event) if that Athlete and/or Horse has participated, in the six (6)
                      months prior to the first day of the International Event or National Event in question, in an
                      Unsanctioned Event.
               5.     For purposes of Article 113.4, an ‘Unsanctioned Event’ is an event and/or a competition that
                      is neither published in the official Calendar nor authorised by an NF and/or a National Event
                      authorised  or  organised  by  a  NF  that  is  suspended  by  the  FEI.  Please  also  refer  to  the
                      Appendix J for the rationale for the Unsanctioned Event Provisions.
               6.     The FEI may only apply Article 113.4, if the FEI has either (i) informed the Athletes and
                      Owners, via the NF(s) with whom the Athlete/Horse is registered/administered by, of the
                      competition(s)  or  event(s)  that  are  considered  as  Unsanctioned  Event(s)  and/or  (ii)
                      published  the  list  of  such  Unsanctioned  Event(s)  on  FEI  website  so  that  Athletes,  Chefs
                      d’Equipe, Owners, or NFs are on notice, such notification/publication to occur no later than
                      seven (7) days prior to the relevant competition(s) or event(s).
               7.     Where it is then alleged by the FEI that a person participated in an Unsanctioned Event, the
                      FEI shall notify the relevant person(s) of the alleged participation in an Unsanctioned Event
                      and shall give such person(s) an opportunity to be heard in either written or oral form.
               8.     Any Decision of the FEI Secretary General to apply Article 113.4 may be appealed to the FEI
                      Tribunal in accordance with Article 162.5 of the FEI General Regulations and the Internal
                      Regulations of the FEI Tribunal.
               9.     Instead of applying the sanctions provided for in Article 113.4 the FEI may issue:

                      (i) a “no fault” finding where:

                             (a) the Athlete and/or Horse participated in an event that would clearly have been
                             sanctioned by the FEI or the NF but for administrative error by the organiser of the
                             Unsanctioned Event;  or

                             (b) exceptional circumstances exist; or

                      (ii) a “Warning” in circumstances where the Athlete or Owner was reasonably aware that
                      the event was not sanctioned (and there is no suggestion of an administrative error by the
                      organiser) but has demonstrated that the event otherwise adhered to the objectives of the
                      FEI as stated in the Appendix J.

               Article 114 - Horse Identification

               1.     The OC shall give an identification number to each of the participating Horses.
               2.     The identification number must be worn during the whole Event at all times when the Horse
                      is out of the Event stables.

               Article 115 - Invitations

               1.     The FEI may impose a specific online system to manage invitations, provided the Secretary
                      General has duly informed the OCs and NFs of such requirement with sufficient prior written
                      notice. Invitations for individual Athletes to take part in CIs must be sent to the NFs of the
                      Athletes concerned. Invitations from OCs must be sent to the NFs of the Athletes concerned.

               General Regulations, 24th edition, 1 January 2020   12
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