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Article 120 - Chefs D'Equipe

               1.     NFs must appoint a Chef d'Equipe if they have three (3) or more Athletes taking part in
                      CIOs, FEI Championships or FEI Regional or Olympic Games or Paralympic Games. If only
                      individual  Athletes  are  entered,  or  no  separate  Chef  d'Equipe  is  appointed,  NFs  must
                      nominate one of the Athletes to act as Chef d'Equipe.
               2.     It is recommended that Chefs d'Equipe be appointed for CIs.
               3.     Chefs  d'Equipe  must  attend  all  technical  meetings  organised  for  them  in  relation  to  the
               4.     The Chef d'Equipe has responsibility for the following:
               4.1.   The general management and fitness of the Horses entered for the Event and the observance
                      of the VRs by Team Veterinarians and other official team members.
               4.2.   The declaration and the scratching of Athletes and Horses entered for the Competitions at
                      CIOs, FEI Championships, FEI Regional, Olympic Games and Paralympic Games, and at CIs
                      if appointed.
               4.3.   The general management, fitness and behaviour of Athletes, especially those under the age
                      of 18. In the case of Athletes under the age of 18, the Chefs d’Equipe are responsible for
                      the behaviour of both their teams and individuals for the entire duration of the Event and
                      are obliged to stay with their teams and individuals.
               4.4.   Notifying  the  OC  which  Athletes  and  Horses  have  been  selected  to  start  in  team
               5.     The Chef d'Equipe may change the Athletes and Horses within the selected team but he/she
                      cannot add or substitute  any member and/or  Horse of the official  team by an  individual
                      Athlete and/or Horse entered in that Event but not selected for the team, except in cases of
                      accident or illness as per Article 121.3 (unless the requirements of a Certificate of Capability
                      prevent this change, see FEI World Championships, Olympic Games).
               6.     Chefs d'Equipe are not allowed to perform any other official functions at an Event.
               7.     A Chef d'Equipe or his/her NF may appoint a deputy to attend meetings or perform other
                      functions, but the deputy, unless otherwise qualified, shall not be entitled to any of the rights
                      conferred on Chefs d'Equipe by Article 131.

               Article 121 - Declaration of Starters

               1.     Chefs d'Equipe must declare the entries for the official team Competition and the names of
                      individual Athletes, by the time established by the OC in accordance with the Sport Rules.
               2.     If NFs enter more Athletes and Horses than the number allowed in the official team, the
                      Chef d'Equipe must designate the Athletes and Horses selected for the official team at the
                      latest following the first Horse inspection, unless otherwise specified in the relevant Sport
                      Rules for each Discipline.
               3.     In  case  of  accident  or  illness  of  a  team  member  and/or  Horse  nominated  for  a  team
                      Competition, such individual Athlete and/or Horse entered in that Event may be substituted.
                      This must be announced by the Chef d'Equipe at the latest one hour before the start of the
                      relevant  Competition  unless  otherwise  specified  in  the  relevant  Sports  Rules.  The
                      Athlete/Horse being withdrawn cannot then take part in any other Competition in that Event.
               4.     The official start list must include the following information: Name and nationality of Athlete,
                      name, studbook (if available), gender, colour and year of birth of Horse, name of breeder of
                      Horse (if available), name of owner of the Horse.

               Article 122 - Dress and Salute

               1.     In all Competitions that take place in an arena under the jurisdiction of a Ground Jury, each
                      Athlete must salute the President of the Ground Jury as a matter of courtesy, unless the
                      President gives other instructions. The OC in agreement with the President of the Ground
                      Jury must instruct the Athletes to salute Heads of State when present, and may do so if
                      there is a special guest occupying the official box.
               2.     The President or a member of the Jury shall acknowledge all salutes.
               3.     Athletes must be properly dressed when appearing before spectators.
               4.     Registration of Colours:
               4.1.   Special colours or colouring of parts of the uniform to be worn at Competitions in accordance
                      with  the  Sport  Rules  of  the  relevant  Discipline  are  subject  to  approval  by  the  relevant
                      Technical Committee.
               4.2.   Special colours or colouring of parts of the uniform may only be registered by NFs with the
                      FEI in order to retain exclusivity of use in favour of the applicant on the following conditions:
                     (i)   An application for registration will be accepted by the FEI at any time during the year.
                          The accepted registration will be valid for five years inclusive of the year the application

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