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is accepted. The date and time of receipt of the application will establish the order of
                          priority of registration.
                     (ii)   Black, red, navy and green jackets with collars of the same colour cannot be registered.
                     (iii)   Colours already widely used by NFs which are not registered will not be accepted for
                          registration by a third party unless they have been out of use for one year.
                     (iv)   Colours must be in accordance with the Sport Rules of the Discipline concerned.
                     (v)   Colours  registered  for  five  years  will  be  automatically  re-registered  unless  such
                          registration is cancelled in writing before 31st December of the fifth year of the prior
                     (vi)   Colours registered in accordance with these rules can only be worn by those persons
                          authorised to do so by the NF in possession of the registration.
               4.3.   Disputes about colours are to be referred to the Secretary General whose Decision is final.

               Article 123 - Olympic and Regional Games under the Patronage of the
                      IOC, and Paralympic Games under the patronage of the IPC

               1.     Only  Athletes  who  satisfy  the  applicable  conditions  set  forth  in  the  GRs,  the  Olympic
                      Regulations, the Olympic Charter, its Bylaws and the regulations of the relevant governing
                      bodies may be entered for the Olympic and Regional Games under the patronage of the IOC
                      (see Appendix B). Only Athletes who satisfy the conditions set forth in the GRs and applicable
                      Paralympic Regulations may be entered for the Paralympic Games.
               2.     All  Athletes,  Officials,  Persons  Responsible,  grooms,  veterinarians,  trainers,  Chefs  de
                      Mission, Chefs d’Equipes, National Federation representatives, and/or any other member of
                      the Athlete’s support personnel or entourage participating in, or accredited to the Olympic,
                      Paralympic,  and/or  Regional  Games  are  subject,  by  virtue  of  such  participation  and/or
                      accreditation, to any IOC, IPC, and/or applicable Regional Organisations’ Rules.

               Article 124 - Young Riders, Juniors, Pony Riders, Children and Veterans

               1.     Athletes of the appropriate age may take part in FEI Competitions and FEI Championships
                      of more than one (1) Category for Young Riders, Juniors, Children and Pony Riders, but in
                      each Discipline only in one (1) of these FEI Championships in any one (1) calendar year.
               2.     Athletes may take part in FEI Senior Competitions and Championships from the beginning
                      of the year they reach the age of (eighteen) 18 but they may only take part either in a Junior
                      or a Young Rider or a FEI Championship for Seniors in the same Discipline in any calendar
                      year. Further exceptions regarding age limits are set forth in the Sport Rules of the relevant
               3.     In exceptional cases, Technical Committees may with the approval of the Board vary any of
                      the ages set out in the definitions for specific Events or regions.
               4.     Rules regarding Veteran Athletes are set forth in the Sport Rules of each Discipline.

               General Regulations, 24th edition, 1 January 2020   18
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