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(iv)  the naturalized Athlete had to renounce his/her former nationality as a condition of acquiring
                      a new one.
               2.2.4   Where the naturalized Athlete can establish that he/she is legally married to a national of
                      the new country of nationality, the residency requirement set out in paragraph 2.2.2 (i) shall
                      be  reduced  to  one  (1)  year  of  uninterrupted  legal  residence  or  three  (3)  years  of  non-
                      consecutive periods of legal residence.
               2.2.5   An  application  for  an  Athlete’s  change  of  sport  nationality  must  be  filed  with  the  FEI
                      Secretary General, through his/her new NF, stating the reason for the change and supported
                      by the Athlete’s passport or equivalent document for the new country that he/she wishes to
                      represent. The FEI must inform the current NF that a request for change of sport nationality
                      has been filed.
               2.2.6   An Athlete shall only be entitled to compete for his/her new NF once the FEI has given its
                      written approval of the change in sport nationality.
               2.2.7   In special and exceptional circumstances, the FEI has the discretion to grant exceptions,
                      with the agreement of the NFs concerned.
               2.2.8   Participation in the Olympic and Paralympic Games is also subject to Olympic and Paralympic
                      Regulations (Bye-law to Rule 42, Olympic Charter) and in particular to any waiting period
                      imposed by these regulations. Similarly, participation in Regional and Continental Games is
                      also subject to the regulations of the relevant governing body.
               3.     Sport nationality and sport nationality changes: Minor Athletes
               3.1    A Minor Athlete who is a citizen of more than one country can choose each calendar year
                      which NF he/she wants to represent.
               3.2    A Minor Athlete may subsequently change his/her NF (only once per calendar year). Such
                      change of NF is subject to the previous NF’s, the new NF’s and the FEI’s approvals if the
                      Minor  Athlete  has  already  participated  in  an  international  event  for  another  NF  since  1
                      January of that calendar year.
               3.3    As of the Minor Athlete’s 18th birthday, paragraph 2 above applies. At such time, the Athlete
                      will register with the chosen NF who will, in turn, register the Athlete with the FEI.
               4.     If  an  associate  state,  province  or  overseas  department,  a  country  or  a  colony  acquires
                      independence;  if  a  country  becomes  incorporated  within  another country by reason of a
                      change  of  border;  or  if  a  new  NF  is  recognized  by  the  FEI,  an  Athlete  may  continue  to
                      represent the country to which he/she belongs or belonged if that country continues to have
                      an NOC. However, he/she may, if he/she prefers, choose to represent his/her new NF. This
                      particular choice must receive the Approval of the FEI and may be made only once.
               5.1.   An Athlete Living outside his/her country of nationality who: (i) loses his/her nationality; (ii)
                      becomes a refugee; or (iii) whose home country does not have an NF which is a member of
                      the  FEI,  can  compete  internationally  as  if  he  were  a  national  of  the  host  country  in  all
                      International Events including Championships, until such time as his/her home country has
                      an NF which is a member of the FEI.
               5.2    Athletes whose country of citizenship does not have an NF which is a member of the FEI,
                      and whose situation does not qualify under paragraphs 4 and 5.1 above, may receive special
                      authorisation  from  the  FEI  to  compete  in  FEI  Events  under  the  FEI  flag,  in  exceptional
                      circumstances and on a case by case basis.
               6.     Athletes Living outside their country of nationality:
               6.1.   An  Adult  Athlete  Living  outside  his/her  country  of  nationality  can  have  his/her  entries
                      processed by his/her “host-NF” for participation in CNs, CIMs as well as CIs if he/she is given
                      permission of his/her own NF and the FEI. The Athlete, while keeping his/her own NF, comes
                      under the jurisdiction of the host NF for the above-mentioned Events and must take part
                      according to the relevant Sport Rules. This administrative facility is not a change of sport
                      nationality. The Athlete will in all circumstances keep his/her “own NF”, and always compete
                      under its flag.
               6.2    A Minor Athlete may compete for his/her country of residence in the following Events, and
                      regardless of the country where the Event is organised: CIs for Children, Pony Riders, Junior
                      Riders and Young Riders (which excludes CIOs and FEI Championships unless his/her own
                      NF and host NF agree otherwise), and senior CIMs as defined in Appendix E, GRs. In such
                      circumstances, the Athlete will be compelled to inform his/her “own NF” as well as the FEI.
               6.3    A Minor Athlete who has always competed for his/her country of residence and not his/her
                      own NF, may apply to the FEI to establish his/her country of residence as his/her own NF
                      once he/she turns eighteen (18), even though he/she is not a national of such country, only
                      if:  (i)  he/she  has  never  competed  under  the  flag  of  his/her  own  NF;  (ii)  the  country  of
                      residence, in the FEI’s opinion, qualifies as a country where obtaining nationality is overly
                      burdensome; (iii) the Minor Athlete has a valid identity card or residence permit for the
                      country of residence, or other equivalent document; and (iii) the Minor Athlete has been a
                      resident of the country of residence for at least the last five (5) consecutive years.  The FEI
                      shall have sole discretion to grant or deny an application presented under this provision,
                      weighing  the  best  interests  of  equestrian  sport  against  the  best  interests  of  the  Minor

               General Regulations, 24th edition, 1 January 2020   16
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