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5                Arab Riders

                         Won half of

                         the Titles

        Latifa Al Maktoum

        UAE Imprint on the Gold List

         2010                                                                          2021

         The Champion Guus                                                             The tenth edition:  the
         Lassenck  from                    The Arab Riders won half of the             champion Russian
         Belgium the mare                  titles during the ten editions of           jockey Vladimir Tuganov
                                                                                       from Russia with the
         ”Valentina”                       Show  Jumping  Competitions                 ”horse ”Spence Florival
                                           of the President of the State,
         2013                              by  winning the  title  5  times            2020

         The second edition:               through Olympic Champion                    The nineth edition: The
         The Champion Michael              Sheikha  Latifa  Al Maktoum,                Champion Moda Ziada
         va der Floten on from                                                         from Egypt ”With Horse
         Netherland with the horse         Moroccan Rider  Abdel Kabir                 ”Morocco
         »VDL Group Verde«                 Wadar, two Egyptian Olympic
         2014                              Riders,  Karim  Al Zoghbi,                 2019
                                           Moda Ziada, and Saudi rider
         The third edition: The            Ramzi  Dahami.                             Eighth Edition:  The
         Champion Abdel Kabir                                                         Champion: Philip

         Wadar from Morocco                                                           Weisshout from
         with the horse Quiquel                                                       Germany with the horse
         de Crisquer”.                                                                ”Persians ”Katokia

         2015                        2016                   2017                      2018

         The fourth edition: The     The fifth edition: The  the sixth edition: The  the seventh edition:
         Olympic Champion            Olympic Champion       Champion Paolo            The Olympic Champion
         Sheikha Latifa Al           Karim Al Zoghbi        Baini from Italy with     Ramzi Al-Dahami from
         Maktoum from UAE with       from Egypt with the    the horse ”Ottava         Kingdo m of Saudi Arabia
         the horse ”Pienots de       ”mare ”Amelia          Miraviglia”               with the horse ”Ted”.
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