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CSIO5*- The President of the UAE Show Jumping Cup - Al Ain

20 Feb 2013
Al Ain Equestrian shooting & Golf club
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
حالة السباق: Closed

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معلومات عن الفئة

رمز الفئة Name/Category المادة السرعة الحاجز رسوم الإشتراك الجائزة OpenCourse وقت الإنطلاقة
1 Two Phases Abu Dhabi Sports Council Challenge 274-5.5 350m/m 145cm AED 0.0000 AED 25000.0000 14:30
2 One Round Against the Clock Qualifier for UAE Grand Prix (1Horse/Rider) 238-2.1 350 m/m 150cm AED 0.0000 AED 30000.0000 18:00
3 Table C, Speed Class Longines Qualifier(1 Horse/Rider) 239,263 120 sec 145cm AED 0.0000 AED 30000.0000 14:30
4 Two Rounds Competition Furusiya FEI Nation Cup Competition 264.7 400m/m 160cm AED 0.0000 AED 120000.0000 18:00
5 One Round Againts the clock Emaar Speed Challenge (1Horse/Rider) 238-2.1 350m/m 145cm AED 0.0000 AED 30000.0000 14:30
6 One Round with Jump off The President of the UAE - Cup Grand Prix 238-2.2 375 m/m 160cm AED 0.0000 AED 320000.0000 18:00