الصفحة السابقة

معلومات عن السباق

Sharjah Equestrian & Racing Club - Indoor Arena

20 Oct 2016
Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
حالة السباق: Closed

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Class 1A Children PDF تنزيل
Class 1B YH PDF تنزيل
Class 1C Intro PDF تنزيل
Class 2A YH PDF تنزيل
Class 2B OpenSmallMed PDF تنزيل
Class 2C Junior PDF تنزيل
Class 3 OpenMedium PDF تنزيل
Class 4A Children PDF تنزيل
Class 4B YH PDF تنزيل
Class 5 YH PDF تنزيل
Class 5C Junior PDF تنزيل
Class 6 Medium PDF تنزيل
Class 7 Big Tour PDF تنزيل
Class 5D smallMediumBig PDF تنزيل
Class 5C Junior PDF تنزيل
Class 4C Intro PDF تنزيل

معلومات عن الفئة

رمز الفئة Name/Category المادة السرعة الحاجز رسوم الإشتراك الجائزة OpenCourse وقت الإنطلاقة
1 One Round not Against the Clock Children - INDOOR 238-1.1 325mpm max 95cm AED 100.0000 AED 3500.0000 15:00 03:30 PM
2 One Round Against the Clock YH 5-6yrs-INDOOR 238.2.1 350mpm YH max 110cm AED 150.0000 AED 7500.0000 00:00 to follow
3 One Round Against the Clock Open Medium/Big-OUTDOOR 238.2.1 350mpm max 135cm AED 150.0000 AED 16000.0000 16:00 04:30 PM
4 One Round not Against the Clock Children - INDOOR 238-1.1 325mpm max 95cm AED 100.0000 AED 3500.0000 14:00 02:30 PM
5 Special Two Phases YH 5-6yr-INDOOR 274-5.6 350mpm max 110cm AED 150.0000 AED 7500.0000 00:00 to follow
6 One Round with Jump Off Medium Tour-OUTDOOR 238.2.2 350mpm max 130cm AED 150.0000 AED 16000.0000 16:00 04:30 PM
7 One Round with Jump Off Big Tour - OUTDOOR 238.2.2 350mpm max 140cm AED 150.0000 AED 24000.0000 00:00 to follow
8 One Round not Against the Clock YH 4-5yrs-INDOOR 238-1.1 325mpm YH max 100cm AED 100.0000 AED 5000.0000 00:00 to follow
9 One Round not Against the Clock Intro Level-INDOOR 238-1.1 325mpm max 100cm AED 100.0000 AED 8000.0000 00:00 to follow
10 One Round Against the Clock Open Small/Medium-INDOOR 238.2.1 350mpm max 120cm AED 150.0000 AED 14000.0000 00:00 to follow
11 One Round Against the Clock Junior Section-INDOOR 238.2.1 350mpm max 120cm AED 150.0000 AED 5000.0000 00:00 to follow
12 One Round not Against the Clock YH 4-5yrs-INDOOR 238-1.1 325mpm max 100cm AED 100.0000 AED 5000.0000 00:00 to follow
13 One Round not Against the Clock Intro Level-INDOOR 238-1.1 325mpm max 100cm AED 100.0000 AED 8000.0000 00:00 to follow
14 Special Two Phases Small Tour-INDOOR 274-5.6 350mpm max 120cm AED 150.0000 AED 12000.0000 00:00 to follow
15 Special Two Phases Junior Section - INDOOR 274-5.6 350mpm max 120cm AED 150.0000 AED 5000.0000 00:00 to follow
16 Special Two Phases Small Category - Medium/Big Athletes 274-5.6 350mpm max 120cm AED 150.0000 AED 5000.0000 00:00 to follow