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               Article 144 - Introduction

               1.     The FEI maintains a list of qualified Officials who fulfil the requirements of the Discipline or
                      Veterinary Education System and have been endorsed by their NF and accepted by the FEI.
                      The  list  of  Officials  includes,  but  is  not  limited  to,  Judges,  Stewards,  Course  Designers,
                      Technical Delegates, Veterinarians and Classifiers.
               2.     The education and career pathways of Officials are laid down in the Discipline or Veterinary
                      Education System. The qualifications and duties of an Official are specified in the Education
                      Systems, job descriptions, Veterinary Regulations and Sport Rules of each Discipline.
               3.     NFs can apply to the FEI for an Equivalency of their Education System. The highest national
                      education can be made equivalent to the FEI entry level education.
               4.     An Official is considered to be foreign if he/she is of a different nationality than that of the
                      country in which the Event is taking place.
               5.     This Chapter VII provides the generic rules on the roles, functions and appointment process
                      of FEI Officials. More Discipline specific Rules are included in the relevant Sports Rules; in
                      the event of any conflict the Sports Rules shall take precedence.

               Article 145 - Judge

               1.     A Judge, as President of Ground Jury, reports to the FEI and has the responsibility to ensure
                      the technical running of International Competitions or Events according to the conditions of
                      the approved Schedule in accordance with the FEI Rules and Regulations. A Judge, as a
                      Member  of  the  Ground  Jury,  reports  to  the  President  of  Ground  Jury  and  shares  the
                      responsibility for the technical running of International Competitions or Events.
               2.     NFs  send  to  the  FEI  the  names,  qualifications  and  nationality  of  the  persons  who  are
                      endorsed  to  exercise  the  functions  and  fulfil  the requirements  set forth  in  the  Education
                      System for each Discipline.
               3.     Unless  the  Sport  Rules  provide  otherwise,  there  shall  be  four  (4)  Levels  of  Judges.  The
                      necessary  qualifications  for  each  Level  are  set  forth  in  the  Education  System  for  each
               4.     Judges in each Level may not fill appointments at a higher level than set forth in the GRs or
                      the relevant Sport Rules.

               Article 146 - Appointment of Judge

               1.     The appointments are regulated by the relevant Sport Rules and GRs.
               2.     Unless the Sport Rules of the relevant Discipline provide otherwise, the FEI appoints the
                      President and members of the Ground Jury for FEI World Cup™ Finals, FEI Nations Cup™
                      Finals,  FEI  World  and  Continental  Championships,  Regional  &  Continental  Games,  Youth
                      Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Olympic Games.
               3.     The Sport Rules of each Discipline specify the qualifications required to be a member or the
                      President of the Ground Jury at different categories of International Events.
               4.     Unless  the Sport Rules  of  the relevant Discipline  otherwise provide,  Level 1  and  Level 2
                      Judges may be appointed as members of the Ground Jury.
               5.     Unless  the Sport Rules  of  the relevant Discipline  provide otherwise,  Level 3  and  Level 4
                      Judges may be appointed as President of the Ground Jury.

               Article 147 - Steward

               1.     A  Chief  Steward  reports  to  the  President  of  the  Ground  Jury  and  is  responsible  for  the
                      stewarding  team,  and  is  appointed  to  ensure  a  level  playing  field  and  Horse  welfare  at
                      International Competitions or Events in accordance with the FEI Rules and Regulations. The
                      FEI Steward helps stakeholders to prevent infractions and irregularities from taking place
                      and intervenes when infractions or irregularities occur.
               2.     NFs  send  to  the  FEI  the  names,  qualifications  and  nationality  of  the  persons  who  are
                      endorsed  to  exercise  the  functions  and  fulfil  the requirements  set forth  in  the  Education
                      System for each Discipline.
               3.     Unless the Sport Rules provide otherwise, there shall be four (4) Levels of Stewards. The
                      necessary  qualifications  for  each  Level  are  set  forth  in  the  Education  System  for  each

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