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Competition in a manner contrary to sporting ethics. Any violations of the above will be
                      subject to Chapter VII and VIII of the General Regulations and Chapter X of the Statutes.
               6.     An Official is not eligible to participate in an International Event or National Event (and so
                      may not be invited or nominated to participate in such event) if he/she has participated, in
                      the  six  (6)  months  prior  to  the  first  day  of  the  International  Event  or  National  Event  in
                      question, in an Unsanctioned Event.
               7.     For purposes of Article 155.6, an ‘Unsanctioned Event’ is an event and/or a competition that
                      is neither published in the official Calendar nor authorised by an NF and/or a National Event
                      authorised  or  organised  by  a  NF  that  is  suspended  by  the  FEI.  Please  also  refer  to  the
                      Appendix J for the rationale for the Unsanctioned Event Provisions.
               8.     The FEI may only apply Article 155.6, if the FEI has either (i) informed the Officials and their
                      respective  NFs  of  the  competition(s)  or  event(s)  that  are  considered  as  Unsanctioned
                      Event(s) and/or (ii) published on FEI website the list of such Unsanctioned Event(s) so that
                      Officials and their respective NFs are on notice such notification/publication to occur no later
                      than seven (7) days prior to the relevant competition(s) or event(s).
              9.      Where it is then alleged by the FEI that an Official has participated in an Unsanctioned Event
                      the FEI shall notify the relevant Official of the alleged participation in an Unsanctioned Event
                      and shall give such Official an opportunity to be heard in either written or oral form.
              10.     Any Decision of the FEI Secretary General to apply Article 155.6 may be appealed to the FEI
                      Tribunal in accordance with Article 162.5 of the FEI General Regulations and the Internal
                      Regulations of the FEI Tribunal.
              11.     Instead of applying the sanctions provided for in Article 155.6 the FEI may issue:

                             (i) a “no fault” finding where:
                                 (a) the Official participated in an event that would clearly have been sanctioned
                                 by  the  FEI  or  the  NF  but  for  administrative  error  by  the  organiser  of  the
                                 Unsanctioned Event;  or

                                 (b) exceptional circumstances exist ; or
                             (ii) a “Warning” in circumstances where the Official was reasonably aware that the
                             event was not sanctioned (and there is no suggestion of an administrative error by
                             the  organiser)  but  has  demonstrated  that  the  event  otherwise  adhered  to  the
                             objectives of the FEI as stated in the Appendix J.
               12.    Officials are bound by all FEI Rules and Regulations while officiating and/or representing the
                      FEI, and in particular by the FEI Officials’ Code of Conduct, the FEI Code of Ethics and Conflict
                      of Interest Policy and the FEI Code of Conduct for the Welfare of the Horse.

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