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approval. Only in exceptional circumstances may a Horse without an FEI or national passport
                      or without an FEI Recognition Card be allowed to compete.
               8.     All Horses registered for the first time with the FEI must be identifiable with a microchip,
                      compatible with ISO 11784 and ISO 11785.

               Article 138 - Names of Horses

               1.     In principle, the first registered name of a Horse entered in the passport shall be the original
                      name  under  which  it  was  originally  registered  by  its  NF,  and  this  name  must  remain
                      permanently in the passport.
               2.     The first registered name may not be the name of a commercial company or product. If this
                      name  is  considered  to  be  the  name  of  a  commercial  company  or  product,  a  new  first
                      registered name must be entered and remain permanently in the passport.
               3.     A commercial prefix or suffix may be added to the name mentioned in paragraphs 1 and 2
                      above,  and  must  be  entered  in  the  passport.  However,  at  Regional  and Olympic  Games
                      under the patronage of the IOC, such prefix or suffix cannot appear in a programme or be
                      used in any other way.
               4.     If  a  new  first  name  shall  be  used  and  entered  in  the  passport  and/or  the  commercial
                      prefix/suffix be changed, the Horse must carry the new name and/or the new prefix/suffix
                      for the next twelve (12) months as follows: new name and/or new prefix/suffix ex previous
                      name/prefix/ suffix (see VRs).

               Article 139 - Owners and Lessees of Horses

               1.     NFs  must  keep  a  register  of  the  Owners  and  lessees  of  Horses  with  official  passports.
                      Changes of Owners and records of leasing agreements must be entered in the FEI and/or
                      national passport and authenticated by the stamp and signature of an NF official.
               2.     The nationality of a Horse is that of its Owner or of the Lessee, where a lease is current, or
                      of the country in which the company owning or leasing it is registered. A company may,
                      however, own a Horse in partnership with an individual.
               3.     When one or more Horses belong to a partnership of Owners of different nationalities, the
                      Owners must declare to the FEI, before making the first entry, the nationality under which
                      the Horse or Horses will compete and that nationality must be entered in the FEI and/or
                      national passport. The Horses must retain that nationality until the partnership is dissolved
                      or the Horses are sold. Any consequent change of nationality must be reported to the FEI.
               4.     Horses  entered  for  the  Olympic  Games  must  be  the  property  of  Owners  of  the  same
                      nationality  as  the  Athlete  by  15th  January  of  the  year  of  the  Games  (see  Olympic
               5.     Athletes may take part in all Events except Olympic Games with Horses belonging to Owners
                      of a different nationality (see also Article 118 Person Responsible).

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