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               As an FEI Official I undertake to respect all FEI Rules and Regulations at all times, and in particular
               the FEI Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest Policy and the FEI Code of Conduct for the Welfare of
               the Horse.

               I am aware that I am a representative of the FEI while officiating at any FEI Event (hereinafter the
               “Event/s”). I am also conscious of my role as an authority and of the associated obligation to have
               adequate knowledge of the principles of equestrian sport and the relevant FEI Rules and Regulations,
               and to apply them at all times in a fair and consistent way.
               I will fulfill all FEI requirements (including maintaining the necessary qualification) relevant to each
               Event to which I am appointed.
               While I am officiating:

                      I  will  act  in  an  appropriate  and respectful  manner  towards  humans  and  animals,  paying
                      constant attention to their safety and I will carry out all duties in a professional manner.
                      I will refrain from consuming alcohol and I will not use any substances and/or medications
                      that would impair my judgement.
                      I will not compete at the Event.
                      I will be willing to answer the questions of stakeholders (including but not limited to Athletes,
                      Owners and Trainers, Organisers, Grooms and my colleagues). I will take the time to politely
                      and objectively explain my decisions where possible.
                      I will be familiar with all the relevant FEI Rules and Regulations and will be well prepared for
                      every Event.

                      I will cooperate with the Organiser of the Event and with my colleagues.
                      I will be punctual and dress appropriately.
               I commit to avoid any actual or perceived conflict of interest. A conflict of interest is defined as any
               personal, professional or financial relationship, including relationships of family members that could
               influence or be perceived to influence objectivity when representing or conducting business or other
               dealings for or on behalf of the FEI.
               I will maintain a neutral, independent and fair position towards Athletes, Owners, Trainers, Grooms,
               Organisers, other Officials and stakeholders. Financial and/or personal interests will never influence
               my officiating duties and I will spare no effort to avoid any such perception. I agree not to make any
               financial contributions, donations in cash or in-kind or otherwise to an Organiser in exchange for
               being appointed as an Official to the Event. For the avoidance of any doubt, the direct payment of
               travel expenses and/or accommodation expenses by an FEI Official is acceptable.

               I will not engage in nationalistic judging.

               Activities that lead or may lead to a conflict of interest when officiating at an FEI Event include but
               are not limited to:
                      Acting as a Chef d’Equipe or being responsible /co-responsible for selecting teams and/or
                      individuals  or  training  Athletes  within  a  NF  present  at  the  Event,  if  the  teams  and/or
                      individuals participate in a competition falling within the level and age group of the authority
                      of the Official.
                      Being the Owner/part-Owner of a Horse taking part in a competition that I am officiating at.
                      Being  in  a  situation  of  financial  dependence  or  gaining  financial  profit  from  participating
                      Owners, Athletes, Trainers or Organisers (excluding any payment(s) permitted under the
                      FEI Rules and Regulations, such as per diems). The same rule applies with regard to National
                      Federations  or  other  organisations  involved  in  the  Event,  if  the  dependence  exceeds  a
                      regular  employment.  Employees  of  participating  National  Federations  cannot  act  as

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