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3.1 Retaliation
               Retaliation is any adverse action taken by a Covered Individual against a person participating in any
               investigation or proceedings initiated by the FEI pursuant to this Policy. Retaliation by a Covered
               Individual  against  a  person  for  making  an  allegation,  supporting  a  reporting  party,  or  providing
               information relevant to an allegation is a serious violation of this Policy.

               3.2 Reporting Harassment and Abuse at any time, including at FEI Events
               For reporting any Harassment or Abuse, the FEI and/or the ECIU will take a report in the way that is
               most comfortable for the person initiating the report including an anonymous, in-person, verbal, or
               written report. Regardless of the method of reporting, it is helpful to the FEI and/or the ECIU to get
               the following information: (1) the name of the complainant(s); (2) the type of misconduct alleged;
               (3) the name(s) of the alleged victim(s); and (4) the name(s) of the individual(s) alleged to have
               committed the misconduct.

               Individuals may complete an Incident Report Form. Information on this form will include:
                      1. The name(s) of the complainant(s);
                      2. The type of misconduct alleged (including psychological abuse, physical abuse, sexual
                         harassment, sexual abuse, and neglect);
                      3. The name(s) of the alleged victim(s);
                      4. The name(s) of the individual(s) alleged to have committed the misconduct;
                      5. The approximate date(s) and location(s) where the misconduct was committed;
                      6.  The  names  of  other  individuals  who  might  have  information  regarding  the  alleged
                         misconduct; and
                      7. A summary statement of the reasons to believe that misconduct has occurred.

               The FEI will withhold the complainant’s name upon request, to the extent permitted by law. A copy
               of the FEI Incident Report Form can be found at
               3.3. Confidentiality
               To the extent permitted by law, and as appropriate, the FEI and/or the ECIU will handle any report
               it receives confidentially and discretely and will not make public the names of the complainant(s),
               potential victim(s), or accused person(s); however, the FEI may disclose such names on a limited
               basis when conducting an investigation, or reporting to the ECIU, or the relevant bodies or when
               required to do so under applicable law.

               3.4. Anonymous Reporting
               The FEI recognises it can be difficult to report an allegation of misconduct and strives to remove as
               many barriers to reporting as possible. Anonymous reports may be made without the formality of
               completing an Incident Report Form:
                      1. by completing the FEI Incident Report Form without including their name;
                      2. by expressing concerns of misconduct to the FEI and/or the ECIU; or
                      3. by expressing concerns in writing or verbally to one of the following individuals on the
                      Athlete Protection Team:
                             a. FEI Legal Director
                             b. FEI Deputy Legal Director
                             c. Legal Counsel

               Please be aware that anonymous reporting may make it difficult to investigate or properly address

               ARTICLE 4 – FEI Investigation, Notification
               Following the receipt of an allegation of a misconduct, the FEI may consider the circumstances in
               which it will notify other Athletes and/or the parents (or legal guardians) of Athletes with whom the
               accused individual may have had contact. At the FEI’s discretion, and as appropriate or required by
               law, the FEI may notify relevant persons, i.e., competition managers, staff members, contractors,
               volunteers,  parents  (or  legal  guardians),  and/or  Athletes  of  any  such  allegation  that  (a)  law
               enforcement  authorities  are  actively  investigating;  or  (b)  that  the  FEI  and/or  the  ECIU  is
               investigating. Advising others of an allegation may lead to additional reports of harassment or abuse
               and other misconduct.

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