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choose.  Instead, reflecting the principle that those who benefit from the collective efforts
                      of the FEI and its stakeholders should not at the same time participate in activities  that
                      undermine  those  efforts,  it  prevents  simultaneous  participation  in  both  sanctioned  and
                      Unsanctioned  Events,  by  making  any  Athlete,  Horse  or  Official  that  participates  in  an
                      Unsanctioned Event ineligible to participate for a specified period in sanctioned events.

                      5.2    It limits the period of ineligibility to six months, in the hope that this will be sufficient
                      to protect against the risks identified above. It also allows for a waiver of that period of
                      ineligibility in exceptional circumstances. If this limited period of ineligibility proves to be
                      insufficient, it will be reviewed and (if necessary) lengthened.

                      5.3    It  is  not  triggered  by  participation  in  Unsanctioned  Events  that  the  National
                      Federations authorise or have no express objection to, such as local events run outside the
                      NF structure but with the knowledge and acceptance of the NF. Again, however, if this is
                      abused, it may be necessary to revisit and tighten the regulation.

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