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APPENDIX J – Rationale for the Unsanctioned Events

               1.     The  primary  mission  of  the  FEI,  as  the  world  governing  body  of  equestrian  sport,  is  ‘to
                      advance the orderly growth of equestrian sport worldwide by promoting, administering and
                      regulating humane and sportsmanlike international competition in the traditional equestrian

               2.     At the core of that mission are the following two fundamental principles:

                      2.1    In  each  equestrian  Discipline,  the  welfare  of  the  Horse  must  be  the  paramount
                      consideration  at  all  times.  It  must  never,  in  any  circumstances,  be  subordinated  to
                      competitive or commercial considerations.

                      2.2    Equestrian sport depends, for its credibility, on public acceptance derived from the
                      integrity  of  its  competitions.  Behind  this  precept  lies  the  premise  that  the  best  Athletes
                      should win fairly and squarely, having competed under even and equitable conditions and
                      under Rules that are themselves fair, realistic, and applied with scrupulous competence and
                      even-handedness. No result can be meaningful or valid if it has not been achieved on a level

               3.     The  FEI  can  only  protect  and  promote  those  two  principles  by  putting  in  place  detailed
                      Regulations  protecting  Horse welfare  and competition  integrity  (such  as  the  FEI  Code of
                      Conduct for the Welfare of the Horse, the FEI Veterinary Regulations, and the FEI Equine
                      Controlled Medication Rules) and the integrity of Competition (such as the FEI Anti-Doping
                      Rules  For  Human  Athletes  and  the  FEI  Equine  Anti-Doping  and  Control  Medications
                      Regulations and the FEI Code On The Prevention Of The Manipulation Of Competitions and
                      by making acceptance of International Events into the official Calendar conditional upon the
                      Organiser adopting all of those Regulations and making them binding on all participants in
                      those  Events.  Only  by  these  means  can  the  FEI  ensure  the  uniform  application  of  the
                      necessary  Regulations  in  all  International  Events,  and  hold  all  Event  Organisers  and
                      participants accountable under those Regulations for conducting themselves in a manner
                      that protects the safety and integrity of the sport.

               4.     In  recent  years,  equestrian  sport  has  seen  an  increase  in  the  number  of  events  being
                      promoted by private entrepreneurs who avoid regulation by and accountability to the FEI by
                      organising their events outside of the official Calendar. Such Unsanctioned Events threaten
                      to undermine the FEI’s ability to achieve its mission in the following ways:

                      4.1    The core purpose of the official Calendar to ensure that undue demands are not
                      placed  on  Horses  or  Athletes  participating  in  International  Events.  Unsanctioned  events
                      circumvent (and so undermine) those protections.

                      4.2    Unsanctioned Events are not subject to FEI Regulations, and their organisers and
                      participants are not accountable to the FEI for compliance with such regulations. As a result,
                      the FEI has no way of safeguarding the welfare of Horses and Athletes participating in such
                      events, or of protecting the integrity of the events.  The same may be true at the national
                      level if a national event is conducted outside national rules and even in circumstances where
                      the National Federation expressly objected.

                      4.3    This presents a risk of great harm to the sport both directly (through physical harm
                      to Horses and Athletes participating in Unsanctioned Events) and indirectly (by undermining
                      public confidence in the ability of the FEI to protect the safety and integrity of the sport).
                      The public is unlikely to appreciate fully the distinction between sanctioned and Unsanctioned
                      Events, and so if problems occur in Unsanctioned Events the image of the entire sport will
                      suffer, and public confidence in the ability of the FEI to maintain the integrity of the sport
                      and to protect the welfare of its participants will be undermined, to the great detriment of
                      the sport as a whole.

               5.     The  FEI  recognises  the  need  to  be  proportionate  in  its  regulation  of  the  sport,  and  in
                      particular  to  intervene  no  further  than  is  necessary  to  protect  the  sporting  imperatives
                      identified above.


                      5.1    The Unsanctioned Event provisions do not prevent Athletes or Officials participating
                      in Unsanctioned Events, or Owners entering their Horses in Unsanctioned Events, if they so

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