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               Consistent with the objectives and principles of the FEI, the welfare of the equestrian community,
               especially minors, is of paramount concern. When any member of equestrian community, such as
               Athlete,  Support  Personnel,  Coach,  Trainer,  Groom,  Official,  volunteer  or  staff  member  -  is
               subjected to or engages in abuse or misconduct, it undermines the mission of FEI and is inconsistent
               with the best interests of equestrian sport. All forms of harassment and abuse are prohibited and
               will not be tolerated by the FEI.

               The  FEI  is  committed  to  promoting  a  safe  environment  for  its  members,  Athletes,  Support
               Personnel, Coaches, Trainers, Grooms, Officials, volunteers and staff in all equestrian Disciplines.
               The FEI has developed and adopted this Policy to set forth the efforts it will undertake to promote
               a  safe  equestrian  environment,  both  independently  and  in  partnership  with  other  necessary
               parties, including National Federations, parents (or legal guardians), Athletes, and the equestrian

               ARTICLE 1 - Definitions and Application

               1.1    Definitions
               1.1.1   Harassment and Abuse

               Harassment and abuse can be expressed in five forms which may occur in combination or in isolation.
               These include i) psychological abuse, ii) physical abuse, iii) sexual harassment, iv) sexual abuse, and
               v) neglect.

               These forms of abuse are defined as:

                   (i)    Psychological abuse — means any unwelcome act including confinement, isolation,
                          verbal assault, humiliation, intimidation, infantilisation, or any other treatment which
                          may diminish the sense of identity, dignity, and self-worth.

                   (ii)   Physical abuse — means any deliberate and unwelcome act – such as for example
                          punching, beating, kicking, biting and burning – that causes physical trauma or injury.
                          Such  act  can  also  consist  of  forced  or  inappropriate  physical  activity  (e.g.,  age-  or
                          physique-  inappropriate  training  loads;  when  injured  or  in  pain),  forced  alcohol
                          consumption, or forced doping practices.

                   (iii)   Sexual  harassment  —  any  unwanted  and  unwelcome  conduct  of  a  sexual  nature,
                          whether verbal, non-verbal or physical. Sexual harassment can take the form of sexual

                   (iv)   Sexual  abuse  —  any  conduct  of  a  sexual  nature,  whether  non-contact,  contact  or
                          penetrative, where consent is coerced/manipulated or is not or cannot be given.

                   (v)    Neglect — within the meaning of this Policy means the failure of a coach or another
                          person with a duty of care towards the Covered Individual to provide a minimum level
                          of care to the Covered Individual, which is causing harm, allowing harm to be caused,
                          or creating an imminent danger of harm.

               Harassment and abuse can be based on any grounds including race, religion, colour, creed, ethnic
               origin,  physical  attributes,  gender,  sexual  orientation,  age  disability,  socio-economic  status  and
               athletic ability. It can include a one-off incident or a series of incidents. It may be in-person or online.

               Harassment  and  abuse  often  result  from  an  abuse  of  authority,  meaning  the  improper  use  of  a
               position of influence, power or authority by an individual against another person.

               1.1.2.  Covered Individual means any person in one or more of the following categories at the
                      time of the alleged misconduct:

                   a.  Athlete as defined in Appendix A of the GRs;
                   b.  Accredited Persons at an FEI Event and/or FEI Meeting
                   c.   FEI Representatives, such as FEI Board Members, Members of a Technical or Standing
                      Committee or Sub-Committee thereof, other members of a body or group designated by any

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