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The past with the glow of the

                                                         present Tourism in UAE

                                                                     all seasons

                                             The Emirates is a unique tourist destination that attracts
                                             tourists from all over the world throughout the year with

                                             its varied events, and activities, local and international
                                             sports, appropriate for all seasons of the year, promotes

                                             the cultural and therapeutic tourism.

                                             Tourism in UAE mixes the fragrant past with the radiance
                                             of the present, making it one of the most prosperous

                                             and developed places. The great interest that the coun-
                                             try shows in the tourism sector has contributed to the

                                             development of infrastructure of the nation catering to
                                             the needs of the tourists. This has enhanced the level of

                                             services in the hotel sector, convenient transportation,
                                             and organizing of events and festivals, attracting tour-

                                             ists from all over the world.

                                             UAE is considered as one of the most attractive coun-
                                             tries for tourists at the national and international levels,

                                             through the facilities it provides to reach it, the famous
                                             cultural and ancient historical monuments, its pictur-

                                             esque nature the desert with clear sands, genuine gen-
                                             erosity, and welcoming approach to the arriving from far

                                             and wide.

      Burj Khalifa

       Yas Circuit                                                      Museum of the Future
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