Emirates Equestrian Centre - Outdoor Sand Arena

From: 08 Dec 2017 to 09 Dec 2017
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Event Status: Closed


Filename FileType Get this
Startlist - Class 1 - Two Phases-Open Class - MED-BIG PDF DOWNLOAD
Startlist - Class 2A - One Round Against the Clock-Small Tour PDF DOWNLOAD
Startlist - Class 2B - Clear Round-Big+Medium+Young Rider Section PDF DOWNLOAD
Startlist - Class 3 - One Round Against the Clock-YH 5-6yrs. + Junior PDF DOWNLOAD
Startlist - Class 4 - One Round not Against the Clock-NOVICE - Intro MAIN ARENA PDF DOWNLOAD
Startlist - Class 5 - One Round not Against Clock-YH 4-5yrs. + NOVICE + Children - MAIN ARENA PDF DOWNLOAD
Startlist - Class 6 - Special Two Phases-YH 5-6yrs. + Junior - MAIN ARENA PDF DOWNLOAD
Startlist - Class 7A - Clear Round-Big+Medium+Young Rider Section - MAIN ARENA PDF DOWNLOAD
Startlist - Class 7B - One Round with Jump Off-Small Tour - MAIN ARENA PDF DOWNLOAD
Startlist - Class 8 - Special Two Phases-Medium Tour - MAIN ARENA PDF DOWNLOAD
Startlist - Class 9 - One Round with Jump Off-Big Tour- MAIN ARENA PDF DOWNLOAD
Startlist - Class 11 - One Round not Against the Clock-NOVICE - Intro 2nd ARENA PDF DOWNLOAD
Startlist - Class 12 - One Round not Against Clock-YH 4-5yrs. + Children - 2nd ARENA PDF DOWNLOAD
Startlist - Class 13 - Two Phases-NOVICE - 2nd ARENA PDF DOWNLOAD


Class Name/Category Article Speed Fence EntryFee Prize OpenCourse StartTime
1 Two Phases Open Class - MED-BIG 274-5.3 350mpm max 1.30-1.35cm AED 150.0000 AED 20000.0000 14:30 03:00 PM
2A One Round Against the Clock Small Tour 238-2.1 350mpm max 1.20cm AED 150.0000 AED 10000.0000 00:00 to follow
3 One Round Against the Clock YH 5-6yrs. + Junior 238-2.1 350mpm max 1.20cm AED 150.0000 AED 6000.0000 00:00 to follow
4 One Round not Against the Clock NOVICE - Intro MAIN ARENA 238-1.1 325mpm max .85 -1.00cm AED 100.0000 AED 3000.0000 07:30 08:00 AM
5 One Round not Against Clock YH 4-5yrs. + NOVICE + Children - MAIN ARENA 238.1.1 325mpm max 1.00-1.15cm AED 100.0000 AED 4000.0000 00:00 to follow
6 Special Two Phases YH 5-6yrs. + Junior - MAIN ARENA 274-5.6 350mpm max 1.25cm AED 150.0000 AED 12000.0000 14:00 02:30 PM
7B One Round with Jump Off Small Tour - MAIN ARENA 238-2.2 350mpm max 1.20cm AED 150.0000 AED 12000.0000 00:00 to follow
8 Special Two Phases Medium Tour - MAIN ARENA 274-5.6 350mpm max 1.30-1.35cm AED 150.0000 AED 18000.0000 00:00 to follow
9 One Round with Jump Off Big Tour- MAIN ARENA 238.2.2 350mpm max 1.40cm AED 150.0000 AED 28000.0000 00:00 to follow
10 Knock Out Competition OPEN Small/Big/Medium - MAIN ARENA 272 350mpm max 1.25-1.30cm AED 150.0000 AED 10000.0000 00:00
11 One Round not Against the Clock NOVICE - Intro 2nd ARENA 238-1.1 325mpm max .85 -1.00cm AED 100.0000 AED 3000.0000 14:00 02:30 PM
12 One Round not Against Clock YH 4-5yrs. + Children - 2nd ARENA 238.1.1 325mpm max 1.00-1.15cm AED 100.0000 AED 2000.0000 00:00 to follow
13 Two Phases NOVICE - 2nd ARENA 238.1.1 325mpm max 1.00-1.15cm AED 100.0000 AED 2000.0000 00:00 to follow
2B Clear Round Big+Medium+Young Rider Section 238-1.1 350mpm max 1.20cm AED 150.0000 AED 0.0000 00:00 to follow
7A Clear Round Big+Medium+Young Rider Section - MAIN ARENA 238-1.1 350mpm max 1.20cm AED 150.0000 AED 0.0000 00:00 to follow